Eric and Jeff Bray Tree and Garden Services company logo

Phone: 01209 831 300

Mobile:  07770 447 006


fresh mulch wheelbarrow of mulch in a garden with pink potted flowers

Mulch to help your garden to flourish

About our mulch

To make our composted mulch we use the chippings taken from tree and hedge trimming jobs. It is then left to de-compose until ready.


•  Fresh chippings, great for pathways

•  Composted wood chip looks great on borders

•  Acts as a weed suppressant

•  Acts as soil improver and feed

•  Enables healthy plant growth

•  Keeps moisture in the ground


•  Very well rotten wood chip mulch    

Give your borders a health kick with our composted mulch. Call us now on

01209 831 300

07770 447 006 

If you need a better soil to help your garden grow, or you are looking for a pathway material which will deter weeds, our composted mulch could be for you. From fresh mulch to heavily composted mulch, we can offer you both the type and the quantity you need.

composted mulch used in a flowerbed landscaped garden with trimmed hedges and mulch flowerbeds

•  Full truck loads are a minimum order

•  Consists of two and a half cubic metres of mulch

•  Like a fine compost

•  Great for growing plants and vegetables